Phytotoxity of waste waters with Cr and


  • Agáta Fargašová Department of Ecosozology and Physiotactics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava, SK-842-15, Slovak Republic
  • Katarína Szárazová Department of Ecosozology and Physiotactics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, Mlynská dolina, Bratislava, SK-842-15, Slovak Republic



Cutlery washing waste-waters, Cr, Ni, phytotoxicity, mustard


The dry and fresh biomass and metal concentration (Cr, Ni) in roots and shoots of mustard (S. alba L.) seedlings was evaluated in laboratory experiments with three types of washing waste-waters from cutlery production line. All tested washing waters reduced root dry mass, where-as the dry mass of shoots was either not affected or it increased. The effect of tested washing waters was stronger on fresh mass production than on dry mass production. This indicates problems in water reception and translocation. While the accumulation of Cr was higher in the roots, Ni was distributed equally through the whole plant seedling. Cr uptake in the roots and shoots was in average about 1.7 and 7.3 times, respectively, lower than that of Ni. Ni percentage uptake from washing waters in the roots and shoots was nearly equal and range from 10.2 to 15.8%.




How to Cite

Fargašová, A., & Szárazová, K. (2022). Phytotoxity of waste waters with Cr and. Nova Biotechnologica Et Chimica, 7(1), 51–56.



Research Articles